You'll Never Recover from These Seriously Devastating TV Character Deaths

Marissa Cooper from The O.C.

Marissa Cooper (Mischa Barton) was far from The O.C.’s most likable character, but her death felt like a particularly dark moment for the teen drama. In an attempt to improve her life and cut out toxic presences, Marissa broke up with her “bad boy” boyfriend Volchok (Cam Gigandet), but Volchok ended up drunkenly crashing his car into Ryan’s (Ben McKenzie) while they were en route to the airport. The accident cost Marissa her life. Fans felt like Marissa’s death was unfair—she never got the chance to start over.


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The More You Know

  • The original pilot for Game of Thrones was judged to be so bad by the studio that the series was nearly cancelled.
  • Saturday Night Live: Jim Carrey auditioned to be a cast member multiple times, but was never hired.
  • The four male stars of Big Bang Theory are the highest paid television actors, as of 2018.
  • Nearly 40% of the medical advice given on the Dr. Oz show has no scientific evidence backing it up.
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