You'll Never Recover from These Seriously Devastating TV Character Deaths

Mrs. Landingham from The West Wing

Since he was a little boy, Mrs. Landingham (Kathryn Joosten) had always been a loyal supporter of President Bartlet. Her cynicism, dry humor, and general distaste for the theatrical nature of politics kept Bartlet in line, even from his seat in the oval office. Mrs. Landingham was a real one until the very end; she was killed in Season 2 on the way to show the President her new car. 


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The More You Know

  • Gertrude Berg was TV’s first star
  • Fred and Wilma Flinstone, of the cartoon The Flinstones, were the first married couple portrayed on television sharing a bed, in the early 1960s.
  • Kelsey Grammer made $1.3 million per episode of the hit show Frasier.
  • Jerry Seinfeld refused to do a 10th season of his incredibly popular sitcom, turning down an offered $5 million per episode. He wanted the show to go out on a high note.
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