You'll Never Recover from These Seriously Devastating TV Character Deaths

Charlie Pace from Lost

Three words: “Not Penny’s Boat.” In Charlie’s (Dominic Monaghan) heroic final hour, he managed to convey the message to Desmond Hume (Henry Ian Cusik), for whom he willingly sacrificed his own life—his long lost love Penny hadn’t sent rescuers to save him. Charlie’s death demonstrated that he had undergone an honest transformation; by the time he took his last breaths, Charlie was the best possible version of himself.


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The More You Know

  • Disney is responsible for the rise of color TV
  • For a long time, TV producers were hesitant to kill off main characters. The drama/comedy show M*A*S*H, set during the Korean War, broke through that barrier in "Abyssinia/Henry," when Lieutenant Colonel Henry Blake's plane was shot down.
  • The Sopranos was an influential show in many regards, one of which was its popularization of the "anti-hero." In the episode "College," Tony murders an enemy on-screen and ushers in a new age of glorifying villains.
  • Television series featuring superheroes have grown in popularity over the past few decades, with over 70% of superhero t.v. shows made so far appearing after 1990.
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