Totally Insane and Dangerous Wild Animal Encounters

Shire Stallion Games

A Shire Stallion wanted to play, but the human on the other end of this was no match...

"I got charged by a shire stallion who was in full play mode! Thankfully my horse (who I had a very strong bond with) grabbed my jumper and tucked me behind him whilst he stuck his ears back and reared and struck out as a warning at this shire...The shire ended up skidding past and fly bucking before going off and annoying someone else...The thundering sound of that shire making his way down the field was like something out of Jurassic Park."


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The More You Know

  • A small child could swim through the veins of a blue whale.
  • Only 5% of cheetah cubs survive to adulthood.
  • Owls don't have eyeballs. They have eye tubes.
  • Male cats have longer tails than female cats.
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