Totally Insane and Dangerous Wild Animal Encounters

Don't Provoke a Bison

While bison are herbivores who don't typically attack humans, at Yellowstone National Park, the park and rec staff have their fair share of bison stories. Typically, humans just get too close to the animals and put them in an uncomfortable position. Last June a woman was gored by a bison for getting too close to the animal. Luckily, the woman survived the attack, but others have not been so lucky. 


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The More You Know

  • Male fireflies emit light a lot more often than females in order to attract mating partners. Sometimes the females ‘flash back’ to lure the males closer so they can eat them alive.
  • Zebra stripes act as a natural bug repellant.
  • Named for its miraculous abilities, the Amazon’s ‘Jesus Christ lizard’ can run over water.
  • A small child could swim through the veins of a blue whale.
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