These True Facts Sound Incredibly Fake

Breathing Exercises

The human body has some pretty strange limitations. There's a ton of cool things we can't do, like breathe underwater or go weeks without sleeping. However, one of the more peculiar ones involves swallowing. Turns out that you cannot swallow while breathing. Try it out for yourself, your body will stop the airflow while you are swallowing breath. That's pretty crazy. 


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The More You Know

  • St. Lucia is the only country that is named after a woman.
  • The first time Reddit was mentioned in the New York Times, it was described as "foolish collectivism" that "grinds away the Web's edges and saps it of its humanity".
  • The people who are currently alive are only 7% of the total number of people who have ever lived.
  • Water makes different pouring sounds depending on its temperature.
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