These Are The World's Strongest Militaries

Around the world, many nations are known for their governments, vacation spots, or cultures. However, how much do you know about their militaries? Some of these countries are stronger and more powerful than expected, thanks to military involvement. Which ones surprised you?


The Australian military is one of the strongest military forces in the world, though you might not expect it. With nearly 58,000 active soldiers protecting the massive continent, no one would dare to mess with this nation. They also boast 52 ships, 59 tanks, and over 408 planes/ helicopters to help keep things in line. 


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The More You Know

  • President Abraham Lincoln is in the Wrestling Hall of Fame
  • Joseph Stalin would remove the people he did not like from the photos. This was pre-photoshop times.
  • Genghis Khan did not force the poor, teachers, artists, and lawyers from paying tax.
  • Lord Byron kept a pet bear in his dormitory while studying at Cambridge.
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