These Are The Best Bad Movies Ever Made

Maximum Overdrive

Stephen King stepped into the director's seat for this adaptation of one of his stories, but maybe he should have stuck to the books. This campy creation left critics and fans unsatisfied but has become a cult classic in the years since. If you love over-the-top gore and corny dialogue, this might be the perfect addition to movie night...


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The More You Know

  • To thank Robin Williams for his work on Aladdin, Disney sent him a late Pablo Picasso painting.
  • Disney wanted Robert De Niro as Captain Jack Sparrow, but he declined the role because he thought the movie was going to bomb.
  • For Dr. Strangelove, Peter Sellers was paid $1 million, 55 percent of the film’s budget.
  • The bridge blown up by Eli Wallach and Clint Eastwood in The Good, The Bad and The Ugly was prematurely detonated by a Spanish Army Captain. Upon learning of his mistake the Captain ordered his troops to rebuild the bridge, only for it to suffer another explosion once complete.
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