These Are The Best Bad Movies Ever Made

Reefer Madness

You've never seen a PSA quite like this one. Reefer Madness is about the perceived dangers of marijuana use in the 1930s...and some serious liberties were taken. Basically, a few puffs of the devil's lettuce and you might find yourself framing someone else for a murder you committed in an insane rage. Classic weed-smoker behavior!


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The More You Know

  • Dan Akroyd’s original script for Ghostbusters was set in a future where Ghostbusters were everyday figures of society like paramedics and firemen.
  • The real Frank Abagnale Jr. appears in Catch Me If You Can as the French policeman who arrests Leo.
  • The code in "The Matrix" comes from sushi recipes.
  • "E.T." and "Poltergeist" started from the same script.
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