Teacher Cuts Her Hair After Student with Short Haircut Is Bullied

A Texas kindergarten teach went above the call of duty when one of her students was being bullied.

5-year-old Priscilla Perez was noticeably quieter and sad in class when her teacher, Shannon Grimm, intervened. Priscilla was upset because other students in the class were telling her that she looked like a boy with her new haircut.

It got to a point where she was so embarrassed that she began wearing hats to school each day.

Grimm decided to take matters into her own hands and returned to her classroom after winter break with the same haircut as Priscilla.

Before the cut, Grimm had waist-length hair, and so this new change was drastic.

“I had to show them boys have long hair like girls and girls have short hair like boys,” Grimm said.

Aside from the cut, she bought new hair bows for her and Priscilla so that they could match each day.

The compassionate teacher noticed Priscilla’s confidence skyrocket and the little girl told her, “When I get big like you, I will have friends who will be mean to me, but I will be nice to them just like you.”

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