Game Changing Life Hacks That Actually Work

Plug Saver

Instead of wrecking your plugs by pulling at them at the wrong angle, this simple nail hack will help you avoid bending the prongs.


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The More You Know

  • To make it easy to stow and reuse plastic bags, make a dispenser from a discarded 2-liter soda bottle. Cut off the top and bottom with a razor knife. Then screw the dispenser to a cabinet door or closet wall (or attach with hook-and-loop tape).
  • A nondescript shampoo or lotion bottle is the perfect disguise for a beachside carryall.
  • This hint will save you from wasting wrapping paper each time you bring it out of storage. Rather than sticking a piece of tape along the loose edge, cut an empty toilet paper tube lengthwise and wrap it around a roll of wrapping paper. Cinch it up and secure the sleeve with a piece of tape.
  • Air fryers don’t always produce that golden hue we crave. You can fix that, though! The secret to that perfect golden color is giving your foods a quick spritz of cooking spray before popping them into the air fryer basket.
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