Soul-Crushing Movie Deaths That Gave You Trust Issues

Maude, Harold & Maude

Harold and Maude is a strange story of a romantic relationship between a 79-year-old woman and an 18-year-old boy. The 18-year-old is fascinated by his own death but is brought back to the brink of reality by Maude, an old woman with a lust for life. The twist at the end of the film might have you shaking your head in confusion, but there will be tears streaming down your cheeks while that's going on. 


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The More You Know

  • In Home Alone, Buzz's girlfriend is actually a boy in a wig. The director thought it would be too mean to ask a girl to be in the film this way.
  • The many parts turned down by Sean Connery include roles in The Matrix, The Lord of the Rings, Jurassic Park, Indy IV and Blade Runner.
  • The code in "The Matrix" comes from sushi recipes.
  • The film industry got its start in New Jersey
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