Wedding Photos of Presidents, First Ladies, & Presidential Children

The weddings of American presidents and first ladies may seem extravagant and over-the-top. In spite of this, many of these couples were simply in love before moving into the White House.

When Obama said, “I Do!”

Do you remember how Barack and Michelle Obama used to give us major couple goals through their affectionate behavior over social media handles and their cute little moments in the White House? Well, keeping in view the facts, their love story began in a law firm. Michelle was adamant to date a colleague, Obama remained steadfast which eventually worked out in his favor as Michelle couldn’t help but fall for him. 


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The More You Know

  • The ancient Romans often used stale urine as mouthwash.
  • The Olympics Used to Award Medals for Art.
  • The Leaning Tower of Pisa never stood up straight.
  • Napoleon’s most upsetting defeat came at Waterloo, when he was attacked by a horde of wild rabbits.
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