Genius Parenting Hacks That Make Life With Kids So Much Easier

Fidget Toys

Fidgeting toys are all the rage with middle school kids who have trouble focusing. Here are some that you can make yourself! Fill water balloons with playdough or something similar and tie at the top to keep them closed. As the balloon stays sealed, the moldable inside will continue to be soft. It's fun for everyone, not just easily distracted kids. Make one for yourself too!


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The More You Know

  • To keep your pot from boiling over, put a wooden spoon over the top of it. If it starts to boil up too high, the spoon will pop the bubbles and keep it from overflowing quickly.
  • Prevent your bathroom mirror from fogging up after a hot shower with car wax. Apply a small amount of car wax to the mirror, let it dry, then buff with a soft, dry cloth.
  • One of the most common ways to use magnetic strips is to hold kitchen knives and utensils in the kitchen.
  • Avoid bad decisions by taking just a minute to focus and calm yourself before making a move.
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