Mind-Blowing Movie Plot Twists That Nobody Saw Coming

Murder on the Orient Express

This adaptation of Murder on the Orient Express follows the same shocking path as Agatha Christie's infamous novel. In the end, everybody was a killer! All of the passengers on the Orient Express conspired to murder Samuel Edward Ratchett (Johnny Depp). Ratchett was actually a criminal known as Lanfranco Cassetti, who had executed a number of murders and kidnappings, including that of Daisy Armstrong.


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The More You Know

  • The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King won all 11 Academy Awards it was nominated for.
  • Pierce Brosnan was contractually forbidden from wearing a full tuxedo in any non-James Bond movie from 1995-2002.
  • In Home Alone, Buzz's girlfriend is actually a boy in a wig. The director thought it would be too mean to ask a girl to be in the film this way.
  • In the movie 'The Hangover', no effects or prosthetics were created for Stu's missing tooth. Actor Ed Helms never had an adult incisor grow, and his fake incisor was taken out for the parts of filming where Stu's tooth is missing.
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