Mind-Blowing Movie Plot Twists That Nobody Saw Coming


In the final act of Snowpiercer, both audiences and Curtis (Chris Evans), a lower-class passenger, learn that Wilford (Ed Harris) staged the rebellion all along in order to reduce the train's population for the sake of manageability. Later, the two young survivors of the deadly train crash encounter a polar bear, symbolizing the permanence of nature.


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The More You Know

  • The Postman, Costner’s second jaunt to a post-apocalyptic world, holds the 8th spot on the biggest flops losing $62m.
  • In Iron Man/Avengers, J.A.R.V.I.S is an acronym for “Just A Rather Very Intelligent System.”
  • Bela Lugosi was buried in full Dracula costume—cape and all.
  • Toto was paid $125 per week while filming The Wizard of Oz.
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