Life Hacks That Actually Work

How To Bake Your Favorite Cookie

Baking is a science, plain and simple. It depends on how much of an ingredient you put in to get your favorite cookie. This is a quick and easy guide sheet to make sure that you're baking the perfect cookie every time. 


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The More You Know

  • One of the most common ways to use magnetic strips is to hold kitchen knives and utensils in the kitchen.
  • Every homeowner should have a flexible-shaft pick-up tool for grabbing stuff out of hard-to reach spots. They're also great for yanking clogs out of drains!
  • Want to dry out flowers quickly and easily? Just use the clips on a pants hanger to hold the stems of your flowers so they're hanging bulb down, and leave them in a cool, dry place to dehydrate.
  • If you accidentally got permanent marker on a piece of furniture, don't lose hope just yet. Using a small dab of non-gel toothpaste, rub the marker stain in a circular motion with a soft cloth and it should buff right out.
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