Life Hacks That Actually Work

Fridge Space

Need extra fridge space? Say no more! This is a really easy and inexpensive hack for keeping your freezer looking organized. Take any bags of frozen food and flip them to the racks of the freezer using binder clips! That way, you can still see the food that you have and it's easy to grab. No more wasted food nor wasted time. 


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The More You Know

  • Seltzer water will revive gold jewelry if you combine it with dish soap and let it soak for five minutes.
  • Before going on your next shopping spree, do your research. You might find most products to be relatively inexpensive online when compared to retail.
  • Instead of spending hours untangling your Christmas lights every year, simply wrap them around the bar portion of a pants hanger and clip each end—they'll remain untangled all year.
  • When baking, it’s important to use room temperature ingredients (unless otherwise specified). If you forget to take your eggs out of the fridge in time, don’t worry. Just place them in a bowl of warm water for a few minutes.
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