Life Hacks That Actually Work

Fridge Space

Need extra fridge space? Say no more! This is a really easy and inexpensive hack for keeping your freezer looking organized. Take any bags of frozen food and flip them to the racks of the freezer using binder clips! That way, you can still see the food that you have and it's easy to grab. No more wasted food nor wasted time. 


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The More You Know

  • If you left home and forgot to brush your teeth or you ran out of toothpaste, chewing an apple can help with bad breath.
  • Next time you oversalt a soup, toss in a few wedges of raw apple or potato. Simmer for 10 minutes and discard the wedges to get the flavor back to normal.
  • For easy cleanup, use a quick spritz of cooking spray on your cheese grater to keep the cheese from sticking.
  • Those tea cups you inherited from your great aunt have seen better days, but you don't feel good about throwing them away—so what should you do? Drill a drainage hole in the bottom, fill them with dirt, and use them to plant succulents.
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