Life Hacks That Actually Work

A Nutty Little Hack

We're not sure why, but this trick totally works. A lot of furniture refurbishers and interior decorators swear by this hack. Use a walnut (in its truest form) to get work on the scuff marks of wood. The trick is that the oil in the walnut gets absorbed by the natural wood which helps remove the damaged spots. It's pretty neat!


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The More You Know

  • Instead of hanging unsightly fly paper, take a cup, fill it with an inch of red wine vinegar, seal the top with plastic wrap, and poke a few small holes in it with a pen. The flies will be attracted to the scent of the vinegar, but won't be able to get out.
  • Air fryers don’t always produce that golden hue we crave. You can fix that, though! The secret to that perfect golden color is giving your foods a quick spritz of cooking spray before popping them into the air fryer basket.
  • Organize each matching sheet set by folding everything and storing it inside one of the pillowcases.
  • Find a tall pitcher about the height of your wine bottle and get cooling. Immerse the bottle in ice water with a small handful of salt and turn every few minutes or so.
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