Life Hacks That Actually Work

The Old Wooden Spoon Trick

The image of a wooden spoon over a boiling pot of pasta is a little cliche (especially in movies and TV shows) but it actually works! Pasta water boils over pretty quickly and randomly, but the wooden spoon stops the bubbles in their tracks. This is definitely a great hack if you need to walk away from a moment. 


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The More You Know

  • Pour pure aloe vera juice (available at most drugstores) into an ice tray, and then freeze it for an always ready-to-apply salve for sunburns.
  • Help keep your home office space organized by using PVC pipe to hide cords. Just wrangle all those computer, mouse, monitor and phone cords and hide them in some PVC pipe.
  • Have a little paint left in that can, but not enough to warrant keeping that whole huge container around? Just pour it into a washed and dried baby food jar and keep it tightly sealed for touch-ups.
  • In a pinch, like when you're traveling, you can spruce up wrinkled clothes by hanging them in the bathroom while you shower.
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