Life Hacks That Actually Work

Easy Thaw, Easy Storage, Easy Everything

This hack is perfect for anyone who has a lot of meat to store. Ground meats especially work well, but thinly sliced or pounded chicken will also work. Make sure everything is super thin and taking up as much of the freezer bag as possible. This makes it easier to store, and your meat will dethaw way quicker! 


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The More You Know

  • Hollow out a watermelon, slice off the top, and pierce the side with a spigot. Then, fill the "keg" with your favorite punch and replace the lid to keep the drinks—and the conversation—flowing.
  • Put some aluminum foil in the bottom of your fireplace before you lay down your logs.
  • With the water running at about half throttle, drop in orange or lemon peels. Run the disposer for five seconds. Citric acid from the peels softens crusty waste and attacks smelly bacteria. Give the acid about 15 minutes to do its work.
  • Air fryers don’t always produce that golden hue we crave. You can fix that, though! The secret to that perfect golden color is giving your foods a quick spritz of cooking spray before popping them into the air fryer basket.
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