Life Hacks That Actually Work

From Crib To School

Cribs are basically useless after your child outgrows them. Instead of throwing it out or selling it, roll up your sleeves for a little DIY time! It's not difficult to make a crib into a fully functioning child's desk. This could be used as a place for coloring and art, and even homework when they enter school. 


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The More You Know

  • Garage floors are puddle prone: springtime floods, melting ice from tires, you name it. You can keep that water away from your tools and toys with a dam made of expanding foam.
  • You can cut your dusting time in half with one common household item: a dryer sheet. Simply swipe it over your baseboards and its anti-static properties will keep dust from sticking while making your home smell fresh.
  • Find a tall pitcher about the height of your wine bottle and get cooling. Immerse the bottle in ice water with a small handful of salt and turn every few minutes or so.
  • If your toilet bowl could use a cleaning but you're out of traditional cleaner, use mouthwash instead.
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