Life Hacks That Actually Work

Freeze Your Grapes!

First of all, frozen grapes make a delicious snack to begin with. So, you should always freeze at least a few for a nice refreshing snack. Secondly, frozen grapes make great ice cubes for wine! It's always a bummer when you realize that your nice white wine wasn't refrigerated and that you may have to use ice cubes. Using ice cubs waters down the drink, which isn't very tasty. Using frozen grapes doesn't water down your wine, keeps it cold, and you get to eat grapes when you're done! 


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The More You Know

  • Stow bulky items overhead by cementing together a simple rack from 2" PVC pipes and fittings. Bolt the straight pipe to the ceiling joists to support heavy loads, and screw the angled pieces from the 'wye' connectors into the cross brace to stabilize the whole rack.
  • Don't risk slicing your fingers by cleaning a blender with a sponge—pour in soap and water, turn it on, and rinse it out
  • Rubber bands will last much longer when they are refrigerated.
  • If the grille on your bathroom exhaust fan is clogged with dust, try a trick that's faster and more effective than vacuuming. Here's how to clean a bathroom fan: Turn on the fan and blast out the dust with "canned air." The fan will blow the dust outside.
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