Life Hacks That Actually Work

Freeze Your Grapes!

First of all, frozen grapes make a delicious snack to begin with. So, you should always freeze at least a few for a nice refreshing snack. Secondly, frozen grapes make great ice cubes for wine! It's always a bummer when you realize that your nice white wine wasn't refrigerated and that you may have to use ice cubes. Using ice cubs waters down the drink, which isn't very tasty. Using frozen grapes doesn't water down your wine, keeps it cold, and you get to eat grapes when you're done! 


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The More You Know

  • Next time you oversalt a soup, toss in a few wedges of raw apple or potato. Simmer for 10 minutes and discard the wedges to get the flavor back to normal.
  • With the water running at about half throttle, drop in orange or lemon peels. Run the disposer for five seconds. Citric acid from the peels softens crusty waste and attacks smelly bacteria. Give the acid about 15 minutes to do its work.
  • When you're working on the roof, wrap rubber bands around tools to help them stay put. The rubber will grip on roofs with up to a 6/12 slope.
  • If your toilet bowl could use a cleaning but you're out of traditional cleaner, use mouthwash instead.
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