Life Hacks That Actually Work

Closet Space Saver

Not everyone is blessed with a lot of closet space, so sometimes you have to get creative! Using soda can tabs can totally amplify your closet space. Depending on how tall your closet is, you could layer up a bunch of tops and bottoms for maximum space-saving. 


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The More You Know

  • Getting tired of mixing the oil back into your natural peanut butter? There’s an easy solution: Store the jar upside-down.
  • The stickiness of duct tape makes it perfect for a makeshift pet hair remover and this method is faster than vacuuming. It also works on seats in vehicles. A sponge or cloth wrapped with duct tape works great for getting into corners. Wrap duct tape around a paint roller cover, sticky side out.
  • A nondescript shampoo or lotion bottle is the perfect disguise for a beachside carryall.
  • To clean your shower head or bathroom faucets, fill a plastic bag with white vinegar and secure it to the shower head with a rubber band.
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