Life Hacks That Actually Work

Productivity Pro-Tip

If you want to have the most successful and production-filled day, use the Pomodoro technique. This technique is pretty simple: Plan your tests. Do a test (uninterrupted and undistracted!) for 25 minutes. Then, take a 5-minute break. Do this four more times (work 25 minutes, 5-minute break) and then take a longer break (usually 15-30 minutes.) If you're subjected to work-from-home life, this is a great technique! 


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The More You Know

  • In a pinch for labels? Just reach for the rubber bands. Wrap ’em around your mason jars and you’ll never mistake salt for sugar again.
  • If you love a product, wait five days and come back to see if it’s on sale. Discounts will always be a factor, but the products they correspond to will shift.
  • If you have greasy fingerprints on your doorframes or walls, there's a simple fix. Just rub a piece of chalk gently over them, let it sit for 10 minutes, and the chalk will absorb the oil, allowing it to easily wipe away.
  • Next time you open a bottle of wine, save the cork! You can use a slice of synthetic cork to brace a wobbly table leg. Just mark the amount of cork needed, slice it off with a utility knife and glue it in place.
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