Life Hacks That Actually Work

Sharpen Your Knives

Having a sharp knife is ideal in the kitchen. You don't want to ruin the perfect cut just because you have a dull knife! If you don't have a knife sharpener handy, a ceramic plate will definitely do the trick. Just the bottom-raised part and give the knife a few good scrapes. It'll be as good as new! 


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The More You Know

  • Run the sink water until the bowl is about half full. Then pull the stopper and turn on the disposer to flush it out.
  • If you have an unsightly deodorant mark on your clothes, don't rub your garment with a standard cloth and risk pilling. Instead, use a pair of pantyhose to gently rub the deodorant mark and watch it disappear with ease.
  • If you forget to bring that butter up to room temp in advance, it’s OK. You can soften butter quickly. The easiest way is to cut butter into cubes and let it sit on the counter for about 20 minutes.
  • Use your vacuum cleaner to find tiny items you've lost, such as earrings. Just cover the end of a vacuum cleaner with a stocking or pantyhose, and start your search.
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