Life Hacks That Actually Work

The Perfect Cut

This is actually a really common and popular cake-cutting hack among the best chefs and bakers. Simply use a piece of floss to cut a cake! This works really well for when you need to cut the cake into layers, or if you're trying to get the perfect piece. Just don't use minty floss, that would not taste good! (Depending on the cake, that is.) This hack also works on blocks of cheese. 


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The More You Know

  • Did you peel a label off a jar only to find paper and residue left behind? Using a cotton pad and some cooking oil, rub the residue and let it sit for a few minutes.
  • A wet-dry vacuum slurps clogs out of plugged drains. Even plumbers use this trick sometimes. If you need to increase suction, seal around the nozzle with a wet rag.
  • Hate the messy look of curling irons lying on the vanity or the toilet tank? Here's a tip for you. Use hook-and-loop tape to attach five-inch lengths of 2-in. PVC pipe to the vanity door to hold the curling irons.
  • The next time you host a barbecue or a patio party, pull out a muffin tin. Rather than using it to bake muffins, fill the cups with various condiments and barbecue toppings.
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