Life Hacks That Actually Work

Taco Tuesday

Muffin tins are making a comeback! This time, you use the other side of the tin to create a fun taco bowl shape. All you have to do is use small corn or flour tortillas, place them on the tin (like so), and pop them in the oven. Now you have your own crunch taco bowl shells! 


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The More You Know

  • Next time you oversalt a soup, toss in a few wedges of raw apple or potato. Simmer for 10 minutes and discard the wedges to get the flavor back to normal.
  • A nondescript shampoo or lotion bottle is the perfect disguise for a beachside carryall.
  • You can cut your dusting time in half with one common household item: a dryer sheet. Simply swipe it over your baseboards and its anti-static properties will keep dust from sticking while making your home smell fresh.
  • Even if a ceiling fan is perfectly balanced, the breeze from the fan can cause the pull chain to smack up against the light fixture. Solve this annoying noises problem by removing the chain and sliding a 1/4-in. plastic tube over it.
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