Iconic Music Videos That Defined The Past Few Decades

“Hey Ya!” by OutKast (2003)

In 2004, the Video of the Year was “Hey Ya!” by OutKast—and for excellent reason. Parodying The Beatles’ debut on The Ed Sullivan Show, Andre 3000 plays all eight members of a fictional band called The Love Below. “Hey Ya!” has aged exceptionally well over the years and remains a cherished milestone of the early aughts. Now what’s cooler than bein’ cool? Ice cold.


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The More You Know

  • In 2016, Mozart sold more albums than Beyoncé.
  • Axl Rose once brought a psychic named Sharon Maynard on tour. His entourage called her “Yoda”.
  • Only Metallica has played in all of the seven continents.
  • Jimi Hendrix was kicked out of Little Richard’s band for stealing the spotlight and not wearing the uniform.
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