Iconic Actors Who Never Won an Academy Award

If you thought Leonardo DiCaprio took forever to finally bring home an Oscar win, you'd better believe these stars are also impatiently waiting...

Robert Downey Jr.

It's true, Iron Man himself has never won an Academy Award. Though he's been nominated twice for Tropic Thunder and Chapin at The Oscarshe's never managed to take home the trophy. Considering Downey Jr.'s lengthy filmography, this is a crime.


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The More You Know

  • Frank Sinatra was offered the lead role in Die Hard.
  • While filming ‘The Machinist,’ Christian Bale only ate an apple and a can of tuna each day. His goal was to weigh 100 pounds before producers stopped him.
  • The real Frank Abagnale Jr. appears in Catch Me If You Can as the French policeman who arrests Leo.
  • Paranormal Activity cost $15000 to make and has grossed $210 million so far.
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