Find Out Which Famous Film Was Shot in Your State


Modern Times (1936)

California is easily the most popular shooting location for American movies, including the silent Charlie Chaplin classic Modern Times. The film was shot in Santa Clarita, Los Angeles, and Long Beach. At one point, Chaplin is held at gunpoint in front of a display of wine and liquor barrels; one is labeled "Angelica," which is among the first wines ever made in California.


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The More You Know

  • While Titanic holds the record for consecutive weeks at the top spot (15), E.T. beats it by one in total weeks at Number One.
  • Jim Caviezel was struck by lightening while he was on the cross in, Passion of the Christ.
  • Because they were shooting in black and white and color didn't matter, they used chocolate syrup as blood when shooting Psycho.
  • The ornaments that Marv steps on in Home Alone are actually candy.
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