Find Out Which Famous Film Was Shot in Your State

Chinatown (1974)

Chinatown was inspired by the California Water Waters, which was a series of disputes over southern California water at the turn of the 1900s. Writer Robert Towne claimed that Carey McWilliams's Southern California Country: An Island on the Land (1946) "taught me to look at the place where I was born, and convinced me to write about it."


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The More You Know

  • Orson Welles directed much of Citizen Kane from a wheelchair, after injuring himself on set.
  • Some Wookie suits were made from human hair.
  • It took only 8 days to film "The Blair Witch Project".
  • Charles Bronson, Britain's most violent prisoner, actually shaved his trademark mustache off so Tom Hardy could wear it during the filming of "Bronson", which was based on his life in prison.
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