Creepy Photos Reveal The Moments Right Before Tragic Historic Events

Killer Dennis Dilda Poses With His Family

Taken moments before his execution for the murder of a trespasser and a police officer.

Dennis Dilda might look like a normal family man, but this photo captures him and his family just moments before his execution for killing a man who was hiding on his property and hiding the body. He also killed a police officer who investigated him. Before being taken away, he requested to have one final photo taken with his family. The police honored this request, and the eerie image can still be seen to this day. 


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The More You Know

  • The Japanese Hornet is one of the largest and most venomous hornets in the world. A sting from this bug can result in kidney failure.
  • “Teratoma” or “monstrous tumors” are “evil twins” that can grow on your brain.
  • Locked-In Syndrome is a scary condition where you are conscious while in a coma.
  • Crows are so intelligent they can recognize a human face.
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