Creepy Photos Reveal The Moments Right Before Tragic Historic Events

Babe Ruth's Donation

Babe received a donation weeks before his death at age 54, in 1948.

Here is Babe Ruth on July 29, 1948, receiving a donation for the Ruth Foundation, which benefitted underprivileged children. He was suffering from throat cancer during this period. He only lived for a few more weeks after this and passed at the age of 53. 


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The More You Know

  • The Japanese giant hornet’s sting is so painful that the media calls them “murder hornets.”
  • The golden poison frog has enough poison to kill 10 to 15 people.
  • “Teratoma” or “monstrous tumors” are “evil twins” that can grow on your brain.
  • There's a company that turns dead bodies into an ocean reef.
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