Best Female Supervillains of Television and Film

Dolores Umbridge- Harry Potter

While Voldemort was Harry's nightmare outside of school, within the confines of campus, Dolores Umbridge took that title. She was a real stickler for the rules and order, which ultimately led to her gruesome death. It wasn't shown, but Dolores Umbridge probably bleeds pink...


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The More You Know

  • For 'Deadpool' (2016) Ryan Reynolds paid $10,000 of his own money for the right to wear a shirt with The Golden Girl’s Bea Arthur on it.
  • "Psycho" was the first time a flushing toilet was shown on screen.
  • Quentin Tarantino wants to stop making movies after his 10th film. The Hateful Eight was his 8th film.
  • Robert Ludlum, the creator of the Jason Bourne series, died while the first Bourne film was in post-production.
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