Best Female Supervillains of Television and Film

Annie Wilkes- Misery

Played by Kathy Bates, this Stephen King adaptation was bound to include some brutal killers. When Sheldon is discovered in Wilkes' house, Wilkes' brutally murders a state trooper who sees the whole thing. The movie ends with a devastating murder-suicide. Classic Stephen King...


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The More You Know

  • Tom Cruise earned $75 Million for his role in Mission Impossible 2.
  • In Home Alone, Buzz's girlfriend is actually a boy in a wig. The director thought it would be too mean to ask a girl to be in the film this way.
  • Michael Fassbender had makeup artists put alcohol on his mustache for a role.
  • Hugh Jackman went without water for 36 hours before filming the opening scene of 'Les Miserables.'
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