You'll Never Recover from These Seriously Devastating TV Character Deaths

Lane Pryce from Mad Men

Lane Pryce (Jared Harris) spent much of his time on the series acting as a voice of reason among the chaos of Sterling Cooper. However, a number of misfortunes took their toll on Pryce, like his family’s homesickness, the abuse of his father, and the weight of his own financial situation, which eventually led him to embezzle from the company. Pryce was so wrought with guilt and humiliation over the debacle that he committed suicide in lieu of facing the embarrassment of being exposed to his colleagues.


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The More You Know

  • The remote was invented in 1950
  • The first live-television breaking news event was in 1958
  • Seinfeld has earned $3.1 billion since entering syndication in 1995.
  • For a long time, TV producers were hesitant to kill off main characters. The drama/comedy show M*A*S*H, set during the Korean War, broke through that barrier in "Abyssinia/Henry," when Lieutenant Colonel Henry Blake's plane was shot down.
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