You'll Never Recover from These Seriously Devastating TV Character Deaths

Tara Knowles from Sons of Anarchy

The gruesome death of Tara Knowles (Maggie Siff) was unimaginably tragic for a number of reasons, the primary of which being that it came at the hands of her own husband’s mother, Gemma (Katey Sagal), who believed that her daughter-in-law would betray the Club. After Gemma tried drowning Tara, she ended up stabbing her in the head with a barbecue fork multiple times. Jax (Charlie Hunnam) arrived back to find her massacred body in a decimating moment that would set the events of the final season in motion.


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The More You Know

  • For a long time, TV producers were hesitant to kill off main characters. The drama/comedy show M*A*S*H, set during the Korean War, broke through that barrier in "Abyssinia/Henry," when Lieutenant Colonel Henry Blake's plane was shot down.
  • Seinfeld: The show's composer slightly tweaked the opening theme music for every new episode.
  • The first live-television breaking news event was in 1958
  • Netflix spent roughly $12 billion developing original television shows and movies in 2018, a figure that increased to roughly $15 billion in 2019.
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