You’ll Never Believe These Mind-Blowing Secrets from Behind the Scenes of Law & Order: SVU

Funny Cameo

In “Control” (episode 9, season 5), Mariska Hargitay’s actual father, Mickey, plays the grandfather on the escalator. Apparently, Hargitay scored him the role more as a joke than anything else.


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The More You Know

  • The Guinness brewery supported all of it's employees who chose to fight in WW1. They were paid half of their wages while away, and their jobs were guaranteed upon their return. The brewery also sent them care packages containing chocolate and condensed milk.
  • War pigs were used in ancient warfare to counter against war elephants, which feared the pigs (and their squeals) and would bolt. War pigs were sometimes lit on fire to enhance this effect.
  • The world's largest Barbie collection includes more than 15,000 dolls.
  • Mattel once tried to sue Aqua over their song "Barbie Girl". The judge literally told them to "chill".
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