You’ll Never Believe These Mind-Blowing Secrets from Behind the Scenes of Law & Order: SVU

Drawing from Celebrity News

One of the most high-profile stories ripped from real life on SVU was based on the famously grim case of Chris Brown beating then-girlfriend Rihanna. “Funny Valentine” from Season 14 focuses on the deteriorating relationship between a pop singer and a rapper, featuring a much worse outcome.


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The More You Know

  • An 11-year-old is responsible for naming Pluto.
  • M&M stands for Mars and Murrie.
  • Following the release of Rocky IV, a joke was making rounds in Hollywood. Since Rocky had run out of opponents, he would have to fight an alien if a fifth movie was made. Jim and John Thomas took the joke seriously and wrote a screenplay based on it, which later became the movie "Predator".
  • The chance of a coin landing heads-up is not 50-50
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