You'll Never Believe How These Legendary Actors Got Discovered

Charlize Theron

 Theron did what lots of young people do. She decided to move to Los Angeles to make it big in showbusiness. However, she didn't come from an affluent background, and as an 18-year-old, she wasn't able to find a place that would accept her as a renter. So, she stayed in a hotel and watched her measly savings slip between her fingers while she got ghosted by every "talent scout" she approached...


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The More You Know

  • Before Taylor Lautner was a vampire, he was a junior world karate champion for several years running.
  • Soon after moving to New York City, Madonna worked at a Dunkin' Donuts. She was fired after one week for messing with the jelly machine.
  • Tyra Banks suffers from delphiniphobia (aka a fear of dolphins).
  • One of David Bowie's eyes was permanently dilated.
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