You Won't Believe What the Former World's Strongest Little Girl Is Up To Now

Oh, How the Mighty Fall

After receiving decades of accolades, training for countless hours, and sacrificing her entire childhood to chase the dream of being the strongest woman who ever lived, Varya was denied entry to the 2012 Olympics because her father was her coach. The Olympic Committee thought that her training style was too unorthodox and that she would not be a good fit to represent her country. After her denial, Varya was crushed. However, as always, she picked herself up and moved onto the next chapter of her life…


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The More You Know

  • There are castles for sale in France that cost less than a two-bedroom apartment in Australia.
  • Armadillos swallow air to become buoyant when they swim.
  • Jellyfish can sting even when they're dead.
  • The fastest gust of wind ever recorded on Earth was 253 miles per hour.
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