Embarrassing and Weird Elevator Moments Caught on Camera

Blocking the Exit

These people were stuck in an elevator for two hours! The door finally opened, but they were unfortunately between floors, causing everyone to freak out even more. Shockingly, one man actually kicked his way through the wall to the opening below so they could all slide out. Heroic!


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The More You Know

  • Honey is essentially bee vomit.
  • Former billionaire Chuck Feeney has given away over 99% of his 6.3 billion dollars to help under privileged kids go to college. He is now worth $2 million dollars.
  • Four times more people speak English as a second language than as a native one.
  • It costs the U.S. Mint almost twice as much to mint each penny and nickel as the coins are actually worth. Taxpayers lost over $100 million in 2013 just through the coins being made.
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