You Won't Believe These Astounding Nature Photos Are Real

Twin Twisters

On May 4, 1922, this incredible photo of two tornados raging through Austin was taken outside the state's capitol building. Historians consider this incident to be one of the worst natural disasters in Austin. The sister twisters were originally one twister that split in half, causing $400,000 in damages and killing 13 people.


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The More You Know

  • Stephen Hawking is 73 years old and has outlived his shortened life expectancy due to ALS by over 50 years.
  • There are more than 24 time zones around the world.
  • Contrary to popular belief, Marilyn Munroe was nowhere near a 'plus' size 12 - 16, she was closer to a US size 0.
  • A cow-bison hybrid is called a "beefalo."
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