You Never Knew How Much CGI These Shows and Movies Really Used

Star Wars

When George Lucas's Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back was in production, CGI didn't exist yet. Instead, the Industrial Light & Magic VFX team—the same company who worked on The Irishman decades later—pioneered animation techniques using detailed miniature models filmed close-up. However, the film served to pave the way for the future of CGI.


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The More You Know

  • The beer used while filming of the Hobbit was custom made by New Zealand brewers. It was a 1% dark stout called "Sobering Thought".
  • Alred Hitchcock’s Psycho was the first American film to show a toilet flushing.
  • The Terminator script was sold for a dollar.
  • Viggo Mortensen had no intention of working on The Lord of the Rings until his son begged him to do it.
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