You Need to Give These Celebrity Owned Restaurants a Try

Joey Fatone: Fat One’s

This former NSYNC member opened up Fat One’s in 2017 as a small hot dog stand outside of a strip mall in Orlando, Florida. He initially did it without telling any of his customers who he was, he wanted his food to precede his reputation in the entertainment industry. However, after a while, people caught on, and by a while we mean exactly one hour into his first service—someone posted a viral tweet that spread like wildfire and clogged up the tiny strip mall parking lot that the stand was originally in.

Since then, Fatone and his crew have opened a storefront and a food truck. Joey doesn’t work the counter anymore, but he’s always in the back prepping and cooking all day. He’s the kind of boss that’s the first one there, the last one to leave, and has the biggest smile on his face out of anybody. 


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The More You Know

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  • In the early days of his career, Sylvester Stallone was so poor that he sold his dog Butkus for $50.
  • As a child, Jim Carrey wore tap shoes to bed just in case his parents needed cheering up in the middle of the night.
  • Jaleel White was the voice of Sonic the Hedgehog in multiple old animated series.
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