Healthy Woman Begs Doctors for Bizarre Operation That Will Leave Her in a Wheelchair

For many able-bodied people, sacrificing the use of their limbs is an unthinkable scenario, much less something to which they would commit voluntarily—but Chloe Jennings-White, a 58-year-old research scientist from Utah, feels differently about the idea than most.

Rare Neurological Disorder

It took over a century for the condition to be identified and examined by academics, in which a paper discussed apotemnophilia, a neurological disorder in which the sufferer is plagued by the profound desire to amputate a specific limb.

Apotemnophilia has been repeatedly dismissed by the medical community as a perverted obsession, but for those diagnosed with body integrity identity disorder (BIID), the only feasible solution for their long-time suffering is—in their opinion—to become disabled on purpose.


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