"Zombie" Angelina Jolie Imprisoned for Too Many Cosmetic Surgeries

Dead at 35

Sheldon, whose real name was Tobias Strebel, was found dead in a motel room in the San Fernando Valley. He had been reported missing the week prior; the county coroner listed his cause of death as "multiple drug intoxication." Strebel's death was ruled accidental. Still, these extreme cases of plastic surgery prove how easy it is to take things too far. For example, this model was so desperate to look like a cartoon character that she had six of her ribs removed...


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The More You Know

  • The Eiffel Tower was inaugurated the same year Nintendo was founded.
  • Elephants comfort each other with chirps.
  • The CIA reads up to 5 million Tweets a day.
  • Danny Devito used to work as a hairdresser. For corpses.
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