Woman Kicked Off Flight For This Bizarre and Controversial Reason

Not Sorry

EasyJet weighed in and adamantly restated their stance. They weren't backing down. "Following concerns about her clothing, the crew politely requested that the customer wear an additional top for the flight which the customer agreed to. However, she then proceeded to act disruptively towards a member of our crew.[...] We do not tolerate abusive or threatening behavior towards our staff," reported the airline in a statement...


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The More You Know

  • The world's most densely populated island is the size of two soccer fields.
  • Honey is essentially bee vomit.
  • 12 plants and 5 animals make up 75% of diets around the world.
  • In 1567, the man said to have the longest beard in the world died after he tripped over his beard running away from a fire.
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