Woman's Journey Into the Wildnerness Almost Ends Her Life

Safe for Now

Thankfully, Amanda Eller has since made a full recovery. She's back to her job in physical therapy and is also back to teaching yoga on the beach. She says that it was hope that kept her alive during those fateful days. Without that, she would have never been able to keep going. While Amanda's tale is pretty incredible, it's nothing in comparison to another crazy survival story... 


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The More You Know

  • “Digging a hole to China” is theoretically possible if you start in Argentina.
  • A solar powered, self-filling water bottle has been invented for bike riders that condenses atmospheric moisture to automatically fill the bottle.
  • If you take all the letters from the word "wizard" and swap them with opposite letters (a->z, b->y), it spells wizard backwards.
  • North Korea and Cuba are the only places you can't buy Coca-Cola.
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